The Saldaña Clan of South Texas...
Columbus is the 20th Great Grandfather of the Saldaña family/clan
( mother’ side) from south Texas. [1] Columbus was born 31 Oct. 1451 in Genova, Liguria, Italy and died the 20 May 1506 Valladoild, Christopher Castilla-Leon, Spain. He was of Jewish decent and of the family of King David.
( mother’ side) from south Texas. [1] Columbus was born 31 Oct. 1451 in Genova, Liguria, Italy and died the 20 May 1506 Valladoild, Christopher Castilla-Leon, Spain. He was of Jewish decent and of the family of King David.
samuel-jr: saldana 2013/5774© Copyright
Not only is Christopher Columbus Jewish, he is also a descendant of King David! …and with a little help from his family (Fernando de Aragón [Alcon/Falcon] and Isabel de Castilla… kodashim or not) in his secret mission… he succeeded in finding a new home for the secret crypto Jewish families of king David and the HaLevi’s and for thousands of Jews then and for the millions that we are today! …. why do you think that Colon got the job? Colon was looking for India[2], a safe haven for Jews…. No but instead he re-discovered the “Americas [3]”. Because Dan, Gad, Manasseh, Ephrain and Napthali, Judah, and Levi were already in the Americas among the Indians. In 1644, Aaron Levi de Montezinos reported to Manasseh Ben Israel in Amsterdam that the Indians in South America were of the lost tribes. Manasseh, Ephrain and Napthali had already travel to the Americas. Even travel to the Americas were taking place during King Salomon’s time and trade with the Americas had been established.
Tea Tephi Queen of Ireland, daughter of Zedekiah Last King of Judah, was born in Israel and died in Odhbha, Meath, Leinster, Ireland. |
The Saldaña (Earls/Counts/Dukes), haplogroup R1b1a2a1a1b4 [4] (Z253- Df73 shorthand) These clans ended up in South Texas and
married their cousins the Flores/ (Cadena-Cantu) and from Rabbi Abraham Halevi of the Baal Shem
Tov family /Montezuma II) family. Including the Rodríguez’s ( dad’s family),
Gutiérrez’s (Cousins), Ortegons (or Aragon) (my mom and dad's family), López (my dad’s family), Cadena’s (my mom side), Gonzales
(cousins my mother side) Santamaría (Ha-levy’s, from Rabbi Abraham Ha-Levi ABT1321
of the Baal Shem Tov.. my mother side). The HaLevi’s and I will also will include …the Cavalleria’s (dad’s family) were protected by the catholic
church and as well as by many kings… from the book
TO THE END OF THE EARTH, by Stanley M. Hordes [5],
“the papal
dispensation to the church and was given because of service provided by their
descendants to the church and because the HaLevi’s were believed to be
descendant of the same Hebrew tribe as the Virgin Mary.”
With relation to the Ha-Levi’s, Garza's, Trevino's, Cavazos's, Sosa's, Cantu's/kents, Cadenas, the Carbajal Family, Juan & Salvador Onate, Coronado, Cabeza de Baca, Herman Cortez, and Christopher Columbus to name a few. We descend from numerous royal lines from many European countries such as Spain, Scotland, Ireland, France, England, Germany, as well as Poland, Hungary, including Israel, Egypt, Persia, India, and China[6]. Our ancestors were the Conquistadores, the Spanish Explorers, of the 12 original families (of Jewish decent) that established Mexico City, Monterrey, Mexico; Saltillo , Mexico; El Paso, Texas; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Santa Fe, New Mexico..... We can trace our linage to the House of David, the Royal House of Judah, and the Ha Levi's, the Queen Esther Hadassah of Persia and the linage of House of Joseph to name a few, with over 58, 000 plus family members in our family tree so far.
As I have mentioned before
regarding the Saldana [families]/clans.. “Los Condes de Saldaña [7]”, who are from the clans of King David from the descendants:
House of HaDavid.
king Fernadad & Queen Isabela |
King Solomon
(Persia) + Absalom daughter (Michaiah (Maachah) though Habibai
beni DAVID b: ABT 687 in Babylonia, of the Persian Empire and Queen
Tea Tephi (b. B. C. 565) daughter of King. Zedekiah
(B. C. 599-578) who marries Herremon,
the Prince of the scarlet thread from Zerah of
Judah .
Yeshua’s [Jesus] family and
[James family Yeshua’s brother + Anna Verch Arimathea [a] [from Matthat ben Levi Ha-David, Nasi (3)
three marriages [b]] included in the group of about 72 end up in France [8] [Da
Vinci Code] end up in Ireland/Wales/Scotland. History will prove that a group of about 72 men,
women and children that were expelled from Israel right after Yeshua’s “staged-fake
impalement” [ ..Yeshua ends up in India and is buried in Kashmir, India[9] …where
I believe he had more children there in India (proof - DNA) + [Saldanha, they come after]. I believe Mary his mother is also buried there
in India in a different location…. wasn’t Colon looking for India?]. These 72 people which included Yosef
Arimathea (uncle of Yeshua who was a wealthy member of the Sanhedrim), Mary
Magdalene [buried in France] accompany with Yeshuas’s children many of the family and close friends arrive in
France where the clan married into the Franks [ Fisher/Grail kings / also known
as the Merovingian’s[10]].
[a] Anna
Verch Arimathea was also married to 1) James the brother of Yeshua offspring: Anna or
Enygeus the prophetess 2) Mawr of Liudd
Ap Beli of the Britons offspring: a)LLUDD ap Beli (the silver Haired, b.79B.C. b) Casswallan or Cassivelaunos or Cassivellaunus OF BRITIAN Bef 0060 B.C. -
Abt 0048 B.C. and 3) Bran Fendigaid 'The Blessed' ap
Llyr Lear Lediaith offspring: a) Avallach ap Bran b) Caradoc ap Bran c) PENARDEN 'Julia Victoria' verch Bran.
[b] Matthat ben Levi HaDavid, Nasi was married to (3)
three women: 1) Cleopatra
“of Jerusalem” of the family of Julius
Cesar & Cleopatra [Julius Caesar's
posthumous dau] 2) Salome Alexandra
(Hasmonean princess of the
Macabes) and 3) to Rachel of Arimathea.,
Yosef Arimathea goes
to [England, which he was very familiar with because he took care of his
uncle’s business the emperor Julius
Caesar’s tin mines, [Julius Caesar + Queen Cleopatra of Egypt] through Yosef daughter Anna Verch
Mathouwy (enygeus) of Arimathea + Liudd Ap Beli of the Britons [11] many joining Judah.
Judah [Visigoths
through (Troy, Erichthonius "the Dardanian"
King Of Dardania, King of Acadia [12] (c.-1420 - -1368) sons of Zerah-ben Judah ben Yakov ben Isaac) and family …..remember the Trojan
coming down in history marring each
other and including Queen Esther (Hadassah) of Persia’s family.
Cristobel Colon was from these families of King David and Jewish through the mother’s side from Susanna of Fontanarossa (Sozana [quondam] de Jacobi de Fontana Rubea ) Zaragoza from the Aragon’s (Falcon/Alcon and clan connection with the Aragon’s to the Merovingian’s). Even Fernando de Aragón and Isabel de Castilla are part of this family, why do you think Colon got this job? These are from the same twelve original Jewish [families]/clans that ended up in Mexico and the southwest United States and these are the same clans that were given special grants of land called the Spanish Land Grants from the kings of Spain.
One more thing not mention in some of these article posted…. That of my father’s family from De La Judah Cavalleria [13], they were one of the families that financed the trips for Colon, they were considered one of the most influential and wealthiest families in Europe at that time! (as in the same category as the Rockefellers today). These are some of the twelve original [families]/clans that ended up in Mexico and in the southwest United States and were given special grants called the Spanish Land Grants [14] from the kings of Spain. Can you see the connections?
If you a descendant of Anusim and wish to return to
the ways of our ancestors “Jews for Judaism” .. RabbisForAnusim Facebook is a meeting place for Jewish Rabbis
and organizations that are associated with Sephardi -Hispanic / Crypto Jew, Ashkenazim and Anusim
recognition and immigration. [Please Note we are not a government organization]
I encourage my family, Jewish friends and Jewish Anusim to make Aliyah to Israel.
This site offers education and genealogy. Please
contact the rabbis at RABBIS FOR ANUSIM Facebook or the governmental agencies
noted above.
Saldana "Sammy"
Zemah ben Yishai
I will not answer or respond to any comments or genealogy questions, please do
your own research and investigation. For Messianic’s and/or Christian /NT
believers please don’t bother to try to educate me… NOT INTERESTED! … I am a JEW!
visit my facebook page and Youtube Channel:
Torah Codes of the House of
David site, Youtube
Rabbis For Anusim/Seeking
Lost Tribes Israel
This theory begins with the notion that the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh
are the sons of Joseph, who had been in captivity (Genesis 37 through 45) and
bore them with the daughter of the Pharaoh’s Priest, Asenath (Genesis
41:45-52). The Tribe of Levi was set apart to serve in the Holy Temple (Numbers
1:47-54 2:33 3:6-7). The arrangement of the Tribes was given in Numbers 2..